Meet the Expert: Alex Hubenthal - Amber Hurdle | Globally Recognized Branding Expert

Meet the Expert: Alex Hubenthal

August 17, 2018

Meet Alex Hubenthal, Bombshell Business Expert! He’s joining the team as our financial acumen expert. Bring all your small biz financial Q’s to the Bombshell Business app, launching September 1st!

Alex Hubenthal


Expert Role: Financial Acumen

Alex Hubenthal is the owner of Bookscaping. His mission is to educate 100,000 small business owners in small business finance so they can not only thrive in their businesses, but in their personal lives, as well. Alex has helped his clients grow their revenue, found ways to help them reduce their tax obligations, and has coached them on finding ways to standardize their business to add more to the bottom line.

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