We all experience writer’s block and workload paralysis from time to time. But as entrepreneurs who rely largely on our ability to write for our businesses, we can’t afford to stay stuck on the blank page for long.
That’s why I’ve put together some writing prompts for specific scenarios to get your wheels turning and your fingers typing. Let’s jump in and get you writing again!
Prompt #1
Scenario: Taking your energy back after life happens.
Some days, your business is the farthest thing from your mind. Life happens: maybe your kids are sick; you’ve had a death in the family; you’re exhausted and distracted; or you’ve had a rough week at work and are disenchanted by, well, everything.
What’s taking your energy? Free-write to process it out of your brain. Don’t be afraid to get really honest here; you can always delete it or throw it away later. And, go!
Get the words out: Today, my mind is on ____________. (Elaborate! This isn’t a one-sentence answer.)
Prompt #2
Scenario: Getting your head back in the game after a vacation.
You’ve spent the past week on vacation, and you’re struggling to get back into the swing of things. Your mind keeps wandering back to the beach, or the city, or theme park–and you really just wish you were back in that place.
Instead of getting down in the dumps about being “back to reality”, why not tap back into those positive emotions and bring them home with you?
Get the words out: Take 10 minutes to write non-stop about your favorite moments from vacation, and try to reconnect with how those moments made you feel.
Prompt #3
Scenario: Breaking a pattern of perpetual stress.
We all get in the weeds with our businesses sometimes. Before long, it seems like the occasional high-stress moments become a life pattern, and we start to feel out of control. We’re constantly freaking out, flying by the seat of our pants, and failing (or, at least, feeling like failures) in one way or another.
Take back the reins by writing down what’s got you stressed, and telling it to get out of your way.
Get the words out: I’m freaking out about _______. Here’s what I’m going to do to get help.
Prompt #4
Scenario: Your audience wants to hear from you, but you’re not sure what to say.
When we market to an audience, we need a constant stream of new content flowing to them so we can stay engaged with each other. Sometimes, though, it can feel daunting to think of something fresh to say. What if you’re just repeating yourself?
Go over your recent audience engagement on your social platforms and in your email to pinpoint the topics your people are asking about or engaging with the most. If you’re still stuck, give this a try.
Get the words out: Take 10 minutes to brainstorm on the topic your audience is talking about most often right now. See if you can view this topic from a new angle, or identify a way to talk about it that you either haven’t tried yet, or could expand on.
About the Author
Haley Walden

Haley Walden Copywriting/Editor & Author
Copy Writing and Editing
Haley Walden is a copywriter, editor, and author who helps businesses and authors effectively articulate their established brand stories. She had a knack for emulating voice, a keen eye for detail, and will stop at nothing to give her clients the cleanest, most concise final draft possible.