26: Social Media Strategies and ROI with Brian Boyd

26: Social Media Strategies and ROI with Brian Boyd

March 22, 2017

In this episode Amber Hurdle interviews Brian Boyd, Chief Social officer of BrandStar & CEO of Media Connect Partners. Brian shares actionable tactics for your social media strategies and how to measure the return on investment. He challenges listeners to execute one or two learnings immediately to impact their own digital marketing success.

“Think about relationships. It’s not just selling your widgets – it’s about community and good content.”

-Brian Boyd


About Brian Boyd

Brian, and his wife Fran, founded Media Connect Partners in 2007. Based in Fort Lauderdale, MCP/BrandStar delivers social media strategy and execution for clients around the globe, with over 5 billion impressions monthly. Brian has over thirty years of technology and marketing experience and serves on several nonprofit boards. “It’s all about the ROI.”  

You can reach Brian via email at brian@mediaconnectpartners.com or on Twitter: @brianboyd.

This Episode’s Takeaways

-Media Connect Partners’ focus is helping organizations recognize real ROI (return on time or financial investment) from social media.

-Social media is an opportunity to build a longer lasting relationship with your customers and create loyalty.

-Share “great” content by telling stories about your business and your team.

-Always ensure your content shows the impact of what you do for your customers and potential customers.

-You can measure social media ROI via hard revenue ( when someone buys something because of your efforts) and soft revenue (future potential growth).

-You have to lead your followers to where you want them to go. Be clear with what action you want them to take. (e.g. leave a review, share this post, etc…)

– There are many types of KPI (key performance indicators) measurement opportunities: Impressions (how many people are exposed to your content, interactions (likes, shares, comments), conversion (acquiring an email address, a form was filled out, an appointment was made), awareness and sentiment (are people happy with you or frustrated with your brand).

-Not every social media campaign is a home run, but knowing what is not working is still useful data.

-Focus on the social media channels that your customers and ideal customers are on. Match your demographics.

-”You don’t put a Billboard on television. You want to give your message differently for each audience.”

-Hustle. Social media does not happen by accident. It takes careful thought and you need a written plan.
-Take advantage of the affordability of social media marketing now, as it might not always be so.

Links and Mentioned Resources

BrandStar’s Website: brandstar.com

Brian’s Book: Social Media for the Executive: Maximize Your Brand and Monetize Your Business by Brian E. Boyd Sr (affiliate link)

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