56: The Secret to Finding the Best Employees with Rebecca Barnes Hogg - Amber Hurdle | Globally Recognized Branding Expert

56: The Secret to Finding the Best Employees with Rebecca Barnes Hogg

October 10, 2018

In this episode of the Bombshell Business Podcast Amber Hurdle interviews Bombshell Business Expert Rebecca Barnes Hogg, who reveals how to find the best employees for your business. She explains how to create your recruiting and hiring vision, how to build your employer brand, and how to create a plan of action for how you are going to hire. From financial readiness to legal issues and beyond, Rebecca sets you up for new hire success!


Links & Mentioned Resources


Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose Kindle Edition by Tony Hsieh https://amzn.to/2M3YOrD (Referral link)


The Bombshell Business Woman: How to Become a Bold, Brave, Female Entrepreneur by Amber Hurdle (http://thebombshellbusinesswoman.com/)


The Bombshell Business App


The Bombshell Business App by Amber Hurdle, the premier app for women in business, is live and ready for you to download for free on the App Store, on Google Play or via the web app. I would cherish a rating and review so it can be seen and downloaded by as many aspiring Bombshells as possible!

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How Do You Download the Bombshell Business App?

Simply follow one of these links to download the version that is right for your operating system:

App Store/iPhone or iPad: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bombshell-business-app/id1435397140?ls=1&mt=8

Google Play/Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app_bombshellbiz284.layout

Web App: https://webapp.mobileappco.org/m/bombshellbiz284/

Rebecca Barnes-Hogg

Rebecca Barnes-Hogg

YOLO Insights

Expert Role: Employee Management, Recruiting, Hiring

Rebecca Barnes-Hogg is the founder of YOLO Insights®and author of The YOLO Principle, The Ultimate Hiring Guide for Small Business. Her path to Bombshell Business Woman started 8 years ago when she broke free from corporate with a dream, a cell phone, and a laptop. Rebecca built YOLO Insights®in response to all the frustrated business owners who were wasting time, money, and their sanity hiring the wrong people. She thrives on the hunt for purple unicorns (ideal employees) and watching her clients become more efficient, effective, and profitable when they hire the right employees.

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Amber Hurdle | Globally Recognized Branding Expert
Rebecca Barnes-Hogg